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Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) Funding


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With Dr Ted Cassidy  

Psychiatrist and Co-founder

Dr Ted Cassidy is a Psychiatrist and Co-founder of Monarch Mental Health Group. He has been delivering next-step mental health treatment services for over 20 years. In this segment, Dr Cassidy discusses the impact of MBS funding for rTMS therapy.  
TOTAL RUNNING TIME: 1 minutes 11 seconds

Hi. My name's Ted Cassidy. I'm a psychiatrist and I'm one of the founders of the Monarch mental health group. TMS is a treatment that's been around for a very long time.

In all its forms, it's been around since the 1980s and really probably from the early 2000s, and has been a mainstream treatment for depression. And increasingly for other indications. In Australia, the TGA approved TMS as a safe and appropriate treatment in 2007, and in November 2021, Medicare Australia included TMS in their schedule of benefits. So importantly, what this has done in terms of accessibility is it means that there are Medicare rebates available for people who are undergoing TMS therapy. And this dramatically reduces the cost and increases the accessibility. Within the Monarch Mental Health group, where possible, we look at ways of either partially or completely defraying cost for the treatment.


To learn more about our neurostimulation treatment, click here.



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