Next-step treatment services

About next-step treatments
People with depression, anxiety, and related mental health conditions will often seek out treatment to relieve their symptoms.
But not all treatment would be effective for everyone.
Remission of all symptoms is the goal of treatment, and yet -
Only 60–85% of patients with anxiety disorders experience at least a 50% improvement with first line treatment.1
17% of Australian adults are treated with antidepressants2,3 but up to 30% are estimated to be treatment-resistant.4
It is a similar story for people with other mental health conditions including Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
The good news is that a major paradigm shift in the treatment of depression is underway. Neurostimulation is now MBS-funded for eligible patients, novel drug treatment has been indicated specifically for treatment-resistant depression, and there has been a significant increase in funding for research into new mental health treatments. For the first time, patients with treatment-resistant mental health conditions can access novel and highly effective therapies as their next step towards recovery.
When a second course of treatment fails to relieve all symptoms – The Monarch Clinic is the next step.
Our specialists provide assessment services and tailor treatments to meet the individual needs of the patient.
1. Bystritsky A. Mol Psychiatry, 2006;;11(9):805-14. doi: 10.1038/sj.mp.4001852. 2. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Mental health services in Australia October 2021. <https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/mental-health-services/mental-health-services-in- australia/report-contents/mental-health-related-prescriptions/interactivedata> accessed November 2021. 3. Australian Bureau of Statistics .National, state and territory population, Mar 2021. https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/population/national- state-and-territory-population/mar-2021 > accessed November 2021. 4. Rush AJ, et al. Am J Psychiatry 2006;163(11):1905–17
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