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Monarch Mental Health Group is currently redeveloping this website. for all enquiries please click here.

ButterflyWoman_CMYK (1)

Welcome to Monarch Mental Health Group

Our Evolution

Helping more people recover from mental illness

5 years ago, we opened TMS Clinics Australia and embarked on a mission to help more people recover from mental illness. But as we expanded access to TMS, we understood that to help even more people meant we would need to offer more treatment options.

To address this need, we have expanded our service to a psychiatrist-led mental health provider offering innovative treatment services for depression and anxiety. With this expansion, comes a new identity that better reflects not only where we are, but also where we are going.

We are now known as Monarch Mental Health Group. Our symbol the butterfly, represents not only the patient journey, but the transformation of our organisation.

One thing that isn't changing is our purpose: to help more people recover from mental illness.

We look forward to sharing this journey with you all.

Our new website is coming soon - watch this space!