What is the difference between tDCS and TMS?

Difference between tDCS and TMS?

TMS uses a pulsing electromagnetic coil positioned near a patient’s head to generate a
magnetic field to stimulate the brain’s nerves. TMS delivers higher-intensity treatment than
tDCS – achieving greater stimulation per treatment. Patients need to attend a clinic
with specialised equipment and a trained clinician to receive treatment. Both tDCS and TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) are brain stimulation treatments
but they work differently, and they are not the same treatment.

tDCS utilises low levels of electric current to subtly stimulate brain activity. Small, battery-powered electrodes are placed on the head and secured with a cap or elastic strap
(depending on the device). The electrodes are connected to a stimulator that sends
weak electrical currents into the patient’s brain. tDCS does not deliver the same level
of stimulation as TMS. It does not require attendance at a clinic, and patients can be
trained to self-administer treatment at home under the guidance of our clinical team.